
First release

"Battlemaster is a fanatsy aracde adventure set in a world of myth and feudal strife. The land is in decay: isolated villages, towns and castles are divided by areas of chaotic monster-infested wilderness. Your task is to restore order by conquering the four kingdoms and handing their crowns to the Watcher who inhabits the Tower."

The player decides which race they want to play (Human, Orc, Dwarf or Elf) each with their own strengths and weaknesses. It is then a matter of clearing out areas of opponents and finding items to enhance your character's and companions abilities.

There are many traps to avoid and death is a constant in what most people would find a very tough game.

Gameplay for leader is action-oriented, with a menu that allows to Parley/Travel/Rally Troops, change formations or use items. The leader attacks with Melee and Projectile buttons. Some classes are more reliant on teammates than others. "Parley" allows you to buy (but not sell) items, or buy a Safe Pass (skip the area)

The world was enmeshed in a terrible conflict. Humans mistrusted Dwarves, Dwarves hated Elves, Elves despised Orcs, and Orcs hated everyone. The rivers ran with the blood of battle and the land stank only of death. Civilization was spiraling towards decay.


He prophesied that a leader would emerge from the south. A leader brave enough to stand face to face with dragons and survive, shrewd enough to solve the most complex enigmas and experienced enough to know when to parley and when to fight. He would be someone familiar with magic, capable of intelligent strategy who would buy, loot and barter with one single aim, to gather a powerful force of men, win back the four king's crowns and restore the world to everlasting peace.

The Watcher has issued his challenge. Dare you take it up?
Alternative names
Battle Master