Combine Destiny

First release

Rebels have made a base at the top of a mountain near a town called Coonersville. The Combine decided to send Headcrab canisters into the town instead of trying a normal assault and possibly wasting Combine lives and resources. After a suitable period of time to allow the Headcrabs to do their work, a sweeper team is sent in to secure the town and capture the base.

Rebels have made a base at the top of a mountain near a town called Coonersville. The Combine decided to send Headcrab canisters into the town instead of trying a normal assault and possibly wasting Combine lives and resources. After a suitable period of time to allow the Headcrabs to do their work, a sweeper team is sent in to secure the town and capture the base.

The Combine turned the rebel base into the Quiver Mountain Research Facility and Military Installation. Recently, the Citadel has lost contact with the Quiver Base and the Administrator feels that there were perhaps a few rebels who escaped the Headcrabs and Sweeper team. These rebels may have re-taken the base. In an attempt to save valuable resources more Headcrab cannisters are aimed at the town. However some actually missed their target and they have lost all track of them.

The Administrator is hesitant to send in any forces, because the Combine troops are needed elsewhere to counter a new threat. However, the Combine Advisors feel that they need to strike back quickly and regain control of the base. You are part of the team being deployed to infiltrate and take back the base. Good luck.
Combine Destiny
Game Engines